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Rustic Lazy Susan Log Slice with Bark, Turn table with smooth ball Bearing action, Engraving Option
Rustic Live Edge Lazy Susan Log Slice with NO Bark, Turn table with smooth ball Bearing action, Custom Engraving
Balm of Gilead Log Coasters set of six
Aspen Log Coasters set of six
4"-4 1/2" inch Birch Wood Slice Coasters set of six, Wood slice, birch, Ornament stock
Birch Log Coasters. Set of six.
Log Slice Napkin & Shaker Holder/ Home Decor/ Accessories
Log Slice, Light Switch, Receptacle, Rocker Plate Covers
Birch Bark Switch Plate, Receptacle and Rocker Plate Covers-No Sticks
Birch Bark switch plate covers, light switch cover, Receptacle and Rocker Plate Covers
Birch Tree/Branches for Decor ( not to plant) ONE tree 4ft to 7ft
Birch Forked Limbs 4 Limbs- 5' to 6' tall
Birch Logs/Poles ( Four ) 1 " to 1 1/2" D x 4 ft to 7 Ft
Alder Forked Poles ( One Pole )
Alder Multi Forked Limbs 3' to 4' tall
Alder Forked Limbs 5- 3' to 4' tall
Alder Multi Forked Limbs 5' to 6' tall
Alder Forked Limbs 5- 5' to 6' tall
Birch Fire Place Logs Six 2" to 3" diameter x 16" to 17" long
Aspen Tree Stump Large 8" to 10" Diameter x 4" to 24"Tall